Tracy Fanara: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

She a scientist and program manager at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Tracy Fanara.

Tracy Fanara isa an environmental engineer and research scientist with a BS, ME, and PhD from the University of Florida.

Dr. Tracy Fanara is on a mission to extend humanity’s time on earth through investigation, engineering and education. She an environmental engineer and research scientist with a BS, ME, and PhD from the University of Florida.
Tracy is a scientist and program manager at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) where she works to protect humans and wildlife by collaborating with scientists and engineers from all over the world to understand and forecast earth systems from the bottom of the sea to the sun.
Her research projects are diverse from developing citizen science programs, water treatment technology, artificial marine habitats, aquaponics for space travel with NASA, and redeveloped a website (, along with developing three apps for publicly available environmental data reporting with over 1.7 million users.
Tracy shared about: 
  • Her journey to becoming an environmental engineer, which involved hard work and perseverance and her passion for addressing environmental issues, particularly focusing on stormwater management and water quality.
  • How NOAA and NASA use satellite imagery and AI to detect algae blooms and mentions the growing importance of AI in environmental research.
  • The importance of transparency and community involvement in addressing environmental issues and highlights the potential of AI and satellite technology in finding solutions.

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