Ryan Niemiller: Cripple Threat of Comedy

AGT Season 14, 3rd Place winner in stand-up comedy, Ryan Niemiller.

Cripple Threat Ryan Niemiller

Ryan Niemiller was a comedian from Season 14 of America’s Got Talent.

Ryan finished the competition in 3rd place and returned for AGT: The Champions 2.

Ryan began his comedy career in Los Angeles, California, performing in clubs and colleges across the country. Featuring topics such as dating, trying to find employment, and attempting to find acceptance in a world not designed for him.

Despite being born with a disability in both arms, Ryan shares his views of the world from the perspective of the handicapped.

Ryan shared about:

  • A lot of what he learned in life is seeing what his dad did and trying to do the opposite.
  • Back in high school, his first passion was to be a Pro-Wrestler.
  • He is an ‘ego-maniac’ and an ‘attention-whore’ in a positive way. He loves making people laugh.

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