Pat Broe: The Real Confident You: Advice From a 20 Something Suicide Survivor

He is the Bestselling Author of “The Real Confident You: Advice From a 20 Something Suicide Survivor”, Pat Broe.

Pat Broe is an author, sales and marketing professional.

Pat Broe is a speaker and author who candidly shares his journey through the complexities of mental health, identity, and resilience.

Struggling with mental health issues, exacerbated by injuries and the reliance on opioid pain medication, Pat faced multiple panic attacks and a suicide attempt at 16.

His story gained traction when he published an article detailing his struggles, which resonated with many and sparked discussions about the mental health challenges faced by today’s youth.
Pat shared about: 
  • Pat Broe reflects on the impact of his father’s military career and subsequent transition to a federal prison job, which was necessary to retain retirement benefits.
  • After a suicide attempt at 16, the speaker describes it as a pivotal moment that prompted significant change in their life.
  • Reflecting on his own struggles and the need for personal development to be more widely taught, stressing that understanding and addressing basic human needs—such as love, growth, and connection.

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