Jonathan Baktari: Baktari MD

Maximizing Your Health with Jonathan Baktari.

Jonathan Baktari
Jonathan Baktari is a Healthcare CEO and the podcast host of Baktari MD Channel.

Jonathan Baktari is also the podcast host of Baktari MD Channel.

Jonathan is the CEO and founder of e7 Health, a leading occupational health and wellness provider that offers COVID-19 testing and vaccination services.

He is a board-certified physician in both internal medicine and emergency medicine, with over 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry.

He has served as a physician for the United States Congress and has been recognized for his expertise in healthcare management and policy by various organizations. Jonathan is also a published author and frequently speaks on topics related to healthcare and wellness.

Jonathan shared about:

  • The importance of regular health screenings for early detection of any health issues and diseases. He explains that health screenings can help identify health problems at an early stage, making it easier to manage and treat them effectively.
  • The benefits of drug testing, including creating a safer work environment and increasing productivity.
  • Insights on C-19 testing and the different types of tests available, such as PCR tests and rapid antigen tests. He also discusses the importance of vaccination and how it can help prevent the spread of C-19.

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