Jolie Downs: Thriving After 40

She is the host of her podcast and author of “Thriving After 40”, Jolie Downs.

Jolie Downs is entrepreneur, recruiter, life coach and speaker.

Jolie Downs is a dynamic recruiter, coach, and author known for her compelling insights into personal growth and resilience.
Her experiences during the pandemic inspired her to write Thriving After 40, a transformative book that explores universal principles for leading a fulfilling life. .
Jolie aims to inspire others to embrace their unique journeys and foster a mindset of gratitude and positivity.
Jolie shared about:
  • Her book outlines universal principles for a fulfilling life, discovered from stories of resilience and transformation.
  • The concept of a “hindsight window”—the time it takes to see a positive outcome from a negative experience.
  • She’s actively managing her staffing company, Paradigm Staffing, and is focused on promoting her book Thriving After 40, released last year.

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