Jill Price: Author, The Woman Who Can’t Forget

The first woman who was diagnosed with hyperthymesia, Jill Price.

The Woman Who Can't Forget by Jill Price

Jill Price has written the book “The Woman Who Can’t Forget“.

Jill is an American woman, from Southern California, who has been diagnosed with hyperthymesia. It was her case that inspired research into hyperthymesia. She has co-authored a book on the subject.

Jill is able to recite details of every day of her life from the time when she was fourteen years old. She can recall various obscure moments of her life in great detail. Her condition, termed hyperthymesia, or “hyperthymestic syndrome”, is characterized by a highly superior autobiographical memory.

Jill shared about:

  • How she remembers nearly every event of her life
  • Dealing with hyperthymesia
  • When did she notice her uncommon condition

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