Jessica Cox: World’s First Licensed Armless Pilot

She is the world’s first licensed armless pilot born without arms, Jessica Cox.

Jessica Cox is the world’s first licensed armless pilot, as well as the first armless black-belt in the American Taekwondo Association.

Jessica Cox, born without arms, has turned her life into a testament to adaptability, resilience, and the power of possibility.

Despite physical obstacles, Jessica found social acceptance often more difficult, but she transformed these experiences into fuel for her inspiring career as a motivational speaker.

Jessica’s current project, the “Impossible Airplane”—a plane designed to be flown using feet alone—symbolizes her mission to redefine possibilities.

Jessica shared about:

  • Jessica born without arms, shares her inspiring journey of adapting to life using her feet and legs.
  • Despite challenges, Jessica developed a strong sense of resilience and faith, ultimately channeling her experiences into a career as a motivational speaker.
  • She shares her journey working on the “Impossible Airplane,” a four-seater plane that can be flown with feet alone, a project backed by a dedicated volunteer team.

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