Heather Dominick: Business Miracles

A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur, Heather Dominick.

Heather is the founder of Business Miracles. She’s been training Highly Sensitive Leaders and Entrepreneurs to do things differently by working less and making more of a social impact and a higher income since 2010.

Business Miracles by Heather Dominick

Heather has taken everything she’ve learned from being self-employed since 2003, including her journey from personal bankruptcy to being the consistent steward of a 7-figure mission, and learning that she’s a Highly Sensitive Person since 2010 and poured it into the comprehensive design of the Highly Sensitive Leadership Training Programs so you have everything you need to learn how to excel in your business or career and life .

Heather shared about:

  • What makes her decide to become an entrepreneur from being a drama teacher.
  • Why she proclaimed her self as “highly sensitive”.
  • What does it mean by “highly sensitive” as an entrepreneur.


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