Gail Kingsbury, a leading personal development event organizer.
Gail Kingsbury has played a central role in the Personal and Professional Development industry since 1988 when she went to work for Brian Tracy in Solana Beach, CA. Her ability to plan and orchestrate the smooth operation of events with hundreds to thousands of attendees and dozens of speakers is now well-known among the top seminar hosts in almost every field.
Real Wisdom Media is founded by Gail Kingsbury.
Curated personal, personal growth seminar and professional development content in Wellness Wealth and Wisdom in all areas of your life.
Gail have been in the Personal Development industry for 30 years working with some of the top names in the industry including Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Barbara DeAngelis and more. Everything from Marketing to Event Development and Production.
Gail shared about:
- On leaving her small town and moving to Hawaii to achieve her dream
- How she became the the leading personal development event organizer
- Her secret in finding job right away