Dr. John Demartini: The Breakthrough Experience

He is the best selling author of The Breakthrough Experience, Dr. John Demartini.

Dr. John Demartini is a human behavior expert, philosopher and speaker.

Dr. John Demartini is a polymath and a world-renowned human behavior expert.

His teachings are the synthesis of knowledge and wisdom from the greatest minds through history and his curriculum is designed to help you empower and inspire all 7 areas of your life.

Dr. John Demartini is the author of over 40 self-development books and manuscripts such as the bestseller ‘The Breakthrough Experience’ which has been translated into over 36 languages.

Dr. John shared about:
  • He faced early challenges, including deformities in his arm and leg, requiring braces, and severe learning difficulties.
  • Dr. John describes his educational journey, starting with junior college before moving on to university and professional school, where he became a chiropractor.
  • The  innovative marketing strategies they employed to grow their business, particularly in the health sector.

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