Ben Reinberg: I OWN IT!

A commercial real estate mogul and host of I Own It, Ben Reinberg.

Ben Reinberg I Own It

Ben Reinberg is the CEO and Founder of Alliance Consolidated Group of Companies, LLC.

Ben started his first business venture when he was 8 years old. At that age, he already discovered a great way to have a nice profit. Until now, he use that same model for investing.

Ben started building his commercial real estate empire at 24 years old with nothing but shoe leather and a lot of hustle. Today, he owns over $500 million dollars in assets across the country and shares his wealth-building, commercial real estate investing, self-improvement, and leadership insights and knowledge with his audience around the world.

Ben shared about:

  • Becoming a real estate mogul from scratch.
  • What are the best pieces of advice for investing.
  • What are the strategies that you should learn and what mindset should you have.

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