Agape Garcia: Be Your Incredible Self

Founder of “Be Your Incredible Self” Agape Garcia.

BYIS by Agape Garcia

Agape Garcia is a motivational speaker who helps transform the survival of domestic violence into post-traumatic growth.

Over the past 35 years, Agape Garcia has navigated her way through domestic violence, privacy, and safety issues, and the mindset to endure personal adverse events in life.

Surviving a double attempted homicide at 8 months pregnant, Agape Garcia became the catalyst of the foundation of BYIS. During her journey to overcome, Agape learned that extreme independence is a trauma-driven response and one that can be overcome through focused personal growth.

As her passion grew due to her own personal struggles, Agape decided to become active within her community and received a Mayoral appointment to work with the Citizen Review Board in direct conjunction with Internal Affairs. 

While working, attending school, and raising her kids as a single parent, her personal priorities of housing, safety and privacy for her children was of utmost importance. This required her to navigate through the state, city, local programs, systems, and self-help centers to create the foundation for her family and to assist others. She also volunteers and collaborates with local law writer(s), in support of bills under Public Safety, for legislation that demonstrates her passion and advocacy for intended positive outcomes.

Agape’s personal mission is to help and lead others in transforming the survival of Domestic Violence (DV) into Post Traumatic Growth; Certifying Life Coaches in being fully DV Resourced; Developing Programs within various Institutions utilizing the available resources already established. (Schools, Places of Worship, Corporate, etc.)

Teaching the BYIS formula (Applying Situational Awareness with Emotional Intelligence to meet your intended outcome) is accomplished through building trust. Sharing her personal testimony has empowered many others in the outcome of applying her BYIS formula.

Agape shared about:

  • Surviving domestic violence and double attempted homicide while 8-months pregnant.
  • What she thinks is her purpose in surviving multiple times.
  • How strong should you be to fight your dark past.

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