Patrick Hardy: Disaster Expert

He is the disaster preparedness expert from California, Patrick Hardy.

Patrick Hardy

Patrick Hardy is a disaster expert and a keynote speaker.

After witnessing the chaos of Hurricane Katrina, Patrick became dedicated to emergency planning, even writing to Louisiana’s governor, which led to a position with the state’s Homeland Security team.

As a Guinness World Record holder for pushups with weighted vests, he recently performed over 100,000 CPR compressions on a mannequin in 28 hours to raise awareness about CPR’s importance.

Patrick plans to undertake 100 unique CPR challenges worldwide to demonstrate the feasibility of CPR in extreme conditions, such as hurricane-force winds and subzero temperatures.

Patrick shared about:

  • Hardy aims to teach disaster resilience through a positive approach and created unique disaster challenges, including a record-breaking CPR marathon and a cat shelter evacuation.
  • He recently set a world record by performing CPR compressions on a mannequin for over 28 hours, motivated by a desire to inspire others about the importance of CPR.
  • Hary emphasizes the importance of making CPR appealing and accessible, aiming to save lives by encouraging people to learn it in a fun way.

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