Pete Economou: When East Meets West

He is the co-host of When East Meets West, Pete Economou.

Pete Economou is a CBT Psychologist and author of  Mindfulness Workbook for Beginners and Meditation Journal for Anxiety.

His interest in psychology was sparked during college, where experiences in modeling and bartending led a friend to suggest the field to him.

Pete Economou supports high-performing individuals, including athletes, by recognizing their vulnerabilities and fostering a supportive environment.

Pete’s career combines entrepreneurship and academia, focusing on cognitive behavioral therapy to identify and disrupt harmful patterns.
Pete shared about:
  • His journey through academia and clinical practice, highlighting his simultaneous roles during his doctoral training.
  • Pete’s career progression, from academia to sports psychology. Initially, he spent nearly eight years at a teaching institution developing programs for first-generation and marginalized students.
  • Economou considers himself a non-traditional academic, studying a broad range of topics rather than specializing in one area, his research includes performance, brain impact, sociocultural issues, and mindfulness.

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