Founder of The CEO Collective, Racheal Cook.
Racheal Cook helps women entrepreneurs how to uncomplicate their businesses.
Racheal teaches savvy, soulful, smart women to uncomplicate their businesses so they can work less and live more.
After earning her MBA in Entrepreneurship, winning the National Small Business Institute Competition, and working for several years consulting small businesses and tech start-ups, she hit burnout. Ten panic attacks in ten weeks. Adrenal fatigue from too many years of working 75-hour weeks, eating on the go, and taking zero care of herself.
Since that breakdown through, she dramatically re-designed every aspect of her business based on her own definition of success {where creating a meaningful life is just as important as creating a meaningful living}. Racheal loves making money and doing what she loves, but a rich life is less about money and more about freedom.
She is also the host of Promote Yourself to CEO Podcast.
Racheal shared about:
- Finding the secrets to sustainable success.
- Leading women entrepreneurs to find freedom.
- How she found her freedom in business after her breakdowns.