Mark Lonow: Off The Wall Improv Comedy Group

Catching up on our 1st year anniversary special with Mark Lonow.

Mark Lonow became a partner in the most famous comedy bar, The Improv. He was once part of a New York comedy trio.

The Improv with Mark Lonow

In the 1980’s, Mark became a partner in The Improv. He was once part of a New York comedy trio with his wife, JoAnne Astrow and Henry Winkler, ‘the Fonz’ from “Happy Days.” Mark had moved to Los Angeles, became a successful producer/director, and would soon be credited with helping to make the Improv a more profitable business.

Mark shared about:

  • What he has done this year to grow more.
  • Opportunities he had within a year.
  • Learnings from last year.

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