Alison Horstmeyer: Intrinsic Curiosity

Managing Partner at Intrinsic Curiosity, LLC, Alison Horstmeyer.

Alison Horstmeyer is a talent and leadership development consultant, executive coach, and pioneer humanistic researcher.

Alison is a former Fortune 500 executive who now bridges both corporate and academia bringing an evidence-based, integrative discipline to professional development that fundamentally changes the way they have historically approached developing themselves, their teams, and the human side of their organizations. Her work with clients is rooted in her research on curiosity and associated mental, emotional, and motivational attributes in a way that enables them to thrive amidst ambiguity, uncertainty, and complexity in the workplace. While her work is published in various domestic and international leadership and L&D publications including peer-reviewed journals, she is actively applying the research in practice with organizations to enculturate mental-emotional-social agility, healthy workplace dynamics, and continuous experimentation tied to real business outcomes.

Alison shared about:

  • How to achieve more through curiosity.
  • What can you succeed in and help other people with curiosity.
  •  How she built her businesses rapidly.

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