Lindsey Elmore: World-renowned Wellness Expert

Dr. Lindsey Elmore help women to take full ownership of their health and wellness, every single aspect of it.

Lindsey Elmore

Lindsey makes science and business understandable.

She went on to become a pharmacist highly studied in herbs, supplements, and food as medicine, and one who was so weird she went in search of shamans, healers, and any natural health practice she could find. She got certified to teach yoga and meditation, and host retreats all over the world.

Lindsey Elmore is also a business owner and entrepreneur.

She have turned her knowledge of natural wellness into her profession, and she have learned more than a few meaningful lessons from Young Living leaders. Whatever the superpower is, she love working with women to put it to work to help them grow their business.

She have created The YL Education Club because there was nothing like it. There was no place that you could come learn about products, connect with other hustlers, and decide if you have the chops to grow a business.

Lindsey shared about:

  • How she helps women to pursue their dreams 
  • What makes her stand out among all the wellness experts
  • How did she deal with all the obstacles in her life and focus on women empowerment

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