A delusional optimist, Ryan Shekell.
Ryan is a delusional optimist. Through his motivational podcast, newsletter and speaking engagements, he aim to build a world in which every individual sees themself as the hero of their story, has the confidence to turn that story into reality and the courage to share their story with the world.
Ryan Shekell on being diagnosed with a rare condition.
At 18, Ryan was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a debilitating and incurable lung disease that only 70,000 people worldwide have. Doctors told him that the average lifespan for people with this condition is 35 years old and he was told that he would never be able to have biological children. Since being diagnosed, he has built a successful management career, married the love of his life, fathered two amazing sons through invitro fertilisation, and has achieved a multitude of athletic endeavours including an ultramarathon.
He observed that Leadership is the ability to inspire, change and empower people to take action.
Ryan shared about:
- His experiences of being diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis
- How he thrived and live a fulfilling life with his condition
- Becoming the hero of his own story